Chouk Summary : Conclusion


First of all, I would like to thank Nath for taking care of this blog. She spent lot of time on it but she has been rewarded by all of you reading and posting comments. So thanks also to you, readers ;-)!
It is also time to thank all the people who supported us. Of course families who fed us with formidable french food before and after the trip but also friends from Villach and their “Before leaving gifts” (get ready for partys guys) and friends around the world and their fantastic welcome (Wan, Greg & Fumi, Victor & Paola).
To conclude this experience, what can I say? Was it great? Yes! Would I do it again? Yes, but with a lighter bag-pack! Would I do it again with Nath? Of course, who else ;-)!
I have always enjoyed the “Into the Wild” movie conclusion: “Happiness is only real when shared.”. And I was extremely lucky to share it with an awesome girl! The idea of this World Tour was born in Nath’s mind, she organized most of it and made it a fantastic experience! If I were Shrek, she would be my Fiona… Hummmm, let s say that if I were Michael Douglas she would be my Sharon Stone ;-)!
Kiss to all
Tout d abord, je tiens a remercier Nath pour le temps qu elle a passe a vous faire partager nos aventures a travers ce blog. Elle a ete largement recompensee par le nombre de lecteurs et vos nombreux messages, donc merci aussi a vous, lecteurs ;-)!
C est aussi le moment de remercier tous les gens qui nous ont soutenu. Merci donc a nos familles qui nous ont remarquablement nourri avant et apres le voyage, a nos amis Villacher pour leur cadeau “d avant depart” et a tous nos hotes a travers le monde pour leur formidable accueil (Wan, Greg&Fumi, Victor&Paola).
Pour conclure cette experience, que dire? Etait-ce une belle aventure? Oui! Le referais-je? Oui, mais avec un sac plus leger ^^! Le referais-je avec Nath? Bien sur, qui d autre ;-)!
J ai toujours aime la conclusion du film “Into the Wild”: le bonheur n existe que lorsqu il est partage! J ai eu la chance de pouvoir le partager avec une fille formidable! L idee de ce voyage est nee dans sa tete, elle en organisa une vaste partie et rendit cette experience exceptionnelle. Si j etais Shrek, elle serait Fiona… Ok, si j etais Michael Douglas, Nath serait ma Sharon Stone ;-)!
Gros bisous a tous

Chouk Summary : Tanzania / Tanzanie

Here it is, the last destination of our 2012 World Tour!
The feeling is a bit weird… happy to meet our 4 friends who are going to share our Tanzanian adventures, happy to know that in 1 month we will share some time with our family but still, we are enjoying our globetrotter life and thinking about leaving it is not so easy.
Tanzania has been a busy destination with the successful ascencion of Mount Kilimanjaro, an amazing 4 days Safari and 2 weeks of diving on the 2 island of Zanzibar.
Tanzanians are fantastic people, curious, happy and relaxed. Unfortunately the touristic path (Kili, safari, beach) is made to avoid any contact with the population. Tourists prices are just crazy so all in all, I would definitely not advice Tanzania as a touristic destination until prices come back to a more reasonable level.
During our last week Nath and I decided to spend few days with local people. Small village, renting 2 bikes and let s rock Pemba island! We have not seen a single tourist during this biking day, we tried the Dallah-dallah (the best/worst public transportation of our all trip), we have been surrounded by 10 young people (and after a while, we realized they were just curious), we had 1€ lunch/dinners and we quickly realized that short trousers were not the proper clothing there ;-).
We dove 11 times over there and this was part of our best diving experience with Reunion Island.
That’s it guys, i now just need to write my conclusion and I will be done with this blog!
Kiss to all
Et voila, la dernere destination de notre tour du monde 2012!
On se sent un peu bizarre…heureux de retrouver nos 4 amis qui vont partager nos aventures tanzaniennes avec nous, heureux de savoir que dans 1 mois, on retrouve notre famille mais malgre tout, on apprecie vaiment cette vie de globe-trotter et penser qu elle va bientot prendre fin n est pas si simple.
Notre emploi du temps en Tanzanie a ete plutot charge avec l ascension reussie du Mont Kilimanjaro, un magnifique Safari de 4 jours et 2 semaines de plongee sur les 2 iles de Zanzibar.
Les Tanzaniens sont des gens formidables, curieux, heureux et detendus! Malheureusement le chemin touristique (Kili, safari, Zanzibar) est fait pour eviter tout contact avec la population. Les orix pour touriste sont hallucinants ce qui fait que je ne recommanderai pas cette destination tant que les prix ne sont pas re-descendus a des niveaux raisonnables.
Pendant notre derniere semaine, Nath et moi avons decide d essayer la vie locale. On s est pris une chambre dans une petite ville, on a loue 2 velos et roulez jeunesse sur l ile de Pemba! Nous n avons pas croise un seul touriste de la journee, on a essaye le Dallah-dallah (le meilleur/pire transport public de notre voyage), on s est fait entoure par 10 jeunes (et nous avons realise apres un moment qu ils etaient juste curieux), n avons mange pour 1€ et nous avons vite realise que les shorts n etaient pas la tenu adequat ^^.
Nous avons en tout 11 fois et ce fut une de nos meilleures experiences avec l ile de la Reunion.
Et voila, il ne me reste plus qu a ecrire ma conclusion et j en aurai fini avec ce blog!
Bisous a tous

Chouk summary : Bolivia / Bolivie

Bolivia started in Tupiza with 5h hiking in a big canyon without seeing a single human living… Fortunately, we had the GPS ^^
Then the 5 days trip to Uyuni crossing the salar was fantastic (biggest salt desert)! It is cold there, seldom hot showers, not heating in the “hotels” and too many tourists (tourists are really a nightmare for tourists… And vice versa!) but who cares, it is so beautiful… You forget all these troubles as soon as you can handle your car/altitude sickness… Which can last 5 days!
After that, I tried to get rid of Nath in the Potosi mine. They put dynamite around her, brought her deep in the mine and made her drink 96Β° alcohol but she survived everything (actually the alcohol revived her πŸ˜‰ ). That s a woman!!!
Then Huyana Potosi ascension was half awesome half shitty because I was missing my buddy 😦 ! Still the experience was unique with the view on Amazon forest in the back, Cordillera Real on the right and La Paz in front. Highest summit I have ever climbed (6088m), it is nothing easy. There is snow, then ice and rock and it is very high… Chose a good agency (Huyana Potosi agency was very nice) and prepare yourself seriously… Agencies are selling to all tourists an “Easy Climb” which is, for me, a lie.
We finished in Bolivia with the Chorro trek (great) and Bolivian s Wrestling fight… That s… Different πŸ˜‰
To conclude, after our 1rst experience in Peru 2 years ago, i can easily tell you that South America is by far my favorite continent! People, nature, history… All is there.
Actually, Bolivia earns my “Best country of our 2012 World Tour” award

I am not going to speak about Peru as this was a week at my brother s place! Family time πŸ˜‰
Kiss to all
La bolivie commenca a Tupiza avec 5h de trek dans un canyon sans croises ame qui vive… Merci le GPS ^^
Les 5 jours suivants nous ont fait rejoindre Uyuni en passant par le fameux desert de sel! Il y fait froid, peu de douche chaude, “hotels” non chauffes et trop de touristes (les touristes sont une plaie pour les touristes… Et vice versa!), mais peu importe, c est tellement joli… tout ces soucis sont tres vite oublies des que tu peux gerer ton mal de la voiture/de l altitude qui peuvent durer 5 jours ^^
Apres ca, j ai essaye de me debarrasser de Nath dans la mine de Potosi. Ils lui ont mis des la dynamite autour du coup, l ont emmene loin dans la mine et lui ont fait boire de l alcool a 96Β° mais elle a survecu a tout (l alcool lui a meme redonne la peche). C est solide ca!
L ascension du Huyana Potosi a ete mitigee parce que sans mon partenaire, tout est moins cool. Ce fut malgre tout une experience unique avec la foret amazonienne dans le dos, la Cordiellere Real a droit et La Paz devant. C est mon plus haut sommet (6088m) et definitivement pas une ascension facile (neige puis glace et rocher et une altitude elevee)…. Choisissez une bonne agence (Huyana Potosi agency sont bien) et soyez bien prepares. Les agences qui vendent ca a tous les touristes comme une “ascension facile” sont, pour moi, des menteurs.
On a fini la Bolivie avec le tres sympa Chorro trekuis un combat de catch bolivien… Ca change πŸ˜‰
Pour conclure, apres notre 1ere eerience au Perou il y a 2 ans, je peux vous dire sans hesiter que l Amerique du Sud est mon continent prefere! Les gens, la nature, leur histoire… Tout y est.
D ailleurs, la Bolivie gagne mon trophe de “Meilleur Pays de notre Tour du Monde 2012”!

Je ne parlerai pas ici de notre semaine au Perou chez mon frere… L instant famille ^^
Bisous a tous

Chouk summary : Argentina / Argentine

I know, it is a bit late for writing a post but we have dcided to finish this blog.
After few days in Sydney (if you have muscles, you can go there and show them… If you are like me, well, you will look ridiculously slim), our South American trip started with Argentina.
Guys, that s a country: highest mountain in South America, biggest glacier, whales birth place, desert in the north, amazing waterfalls, best football player in the world… This was for sure the most spectacular and various nature I have ever seen.
But do not forget, this country is HUGE! After 100h of bus, I can tell you I was starting to miss Mongolian s horses. Therefore i would advise you 1 or 2 flights for travelling across this country.
Concerning the people, the northest, the nicest (but very nice in general). And by the way Ushuai is neither the most southern city in the world nor an exciting city… Sorry guys!
We learnt something else in Argentina: rolling stuffs (like wheels) drives dogs crazy… So if you do not want them to bite you while biking, just stop, kick them with a big stone and continue πŸ˜‰
Kiss to all
Je sais qu il est un peu tard pour un resume mais nous avons decide de finir ce blog ^^
Apres quelques jours a Sydney (si vous voulez montrer vos muscles, c est l endroit parfait… Si comme moi vous n en avez pas, vous paraitrez ridiculement maigre), notre tournee en Amerique du Sud commence par l Argentine.
Et quel pays: plus haut sommet d Amerique du Sud, gigantesque glaciers, pouponiere des balaines, parties desertiques au nord, chutes d eau magnifiques, meilleur joueur de fopt au monde… Definitivement la nature la plus extraordinaire que j ai jamais vue.
Par contre, n oubliez pas que ce pays est immense! Apres 100h de bus, je commencais presque a regretter les chevaux mongols ^^ donc si vous voyagez la bas, n hesiyez a prendre 1 ou 2 vols internes.
A propos des gens, plus on va vers le nord plus ils sont sympas mais tout le monde est plutot gentil. J y pense, Ushuai n est ni la ville la plus au sud, ni une ville interessante… Desole!
On a appris autre chose en Argentine. Les chiens detestent les objets qui tournent, notemment les roues de velo. Donc pour eviter qu ils vous mordent, arretez vous, jetez leur une grosse pierre et repartez πŸ˜‰
Bisous a tous

Chouk summary : Japan


After few days in Hong-Kong (crazy city, much nicer than Singapore for me), we landed in Tokyo… Whaou… that was like a change of Galaxy for us. For sure, instead of the physical similarities, Japon does not really belong to the same Asia as the one we have visited until now. Clean, respectfull people, amazingly well organized… ok, let s be honest, I really enjoyed Japan. And what I enjoyed most was the food. Guys, for the 1rst time in my life (do not laugh, I am close to 30!!!), I saw a country where food is as good and as varied as the “Cuisine Francaise”! Sushis, Sashimis, Makis, Ramens, Bento box, Beef… everything is fu*ing tasty. We did spend lot of money for food but this was really worth it.
For the rest, the Japanese Alps and Mont Fuji offered us great treks, Kyoto and Nikko brought us historical knowledge and Tokyo an idea of a crowded city. All this have been possible thanks to our hosts Fumi and Greg. I have to admit that meeting friends living so far during this tour was awesome. Thanks guys ^^
To finish, if you plan to go to Japan, one hint: do not forget your credit cardS…

Kiss to all

P.S.: I got a new camera… a Canon again, the Powershot SX260… Great! The S100 is repaired so if anybody is interested, give me a sign. It is still under waranty ^^


Chouk summary: Mongolia

Hi everybody,

Time for me to share my feelings about Mongolia. So first of all, Mongolians are nice, playful and it was a pleasure to meet such people. Nomads are kind of really tough guy. As you know I consider myself as really tough (yeah πŸ˜‰ ) but these guys support -30 in winter, +30 in summer in a Yourte!!! They manage goats, sheeps, yacks, horses in any conditions. After 1 week living in a nomad family, I really could imagine why Genghis Khan and his army managed to conquer the biggest empire never conquered (sorry Napoleon ^^). Actually Genghis Khan has been declared Man of the Millenium by the Washington Post… not so bad ;-).
Riding the Mongolian stepp with horses was the most ass-painful activity I ever did but was also wonderful. This amazing country full or gold and several other ressources is stuck between 2 giants and still manage to keep its personality. Better luck than the Interior Mongolia, part of China, which is being destroyed…
To finish, I want to say that it was the first time after 3 months we met a familiar face. Thanks Waninou for your castle, and also for your introduction to the mongolians vodka customs ^^.


Kiss to all

Chouk Summary: Nepal

Now we just landed in Chile, it is time to write my feelings about Nepal.
We did a bit of site seeing over there with nothing special. Bhaktapur (2h from Kathmandu) is definitely worth a day to enjoy temple, castle and so on.
Most important in Nepal, our 15days hiking around the Annapurnas. This was the first highlight of our trip and we were expecting a lot about it… and we have not been disappointed! Annapurna 1 is the first 8000m (10th highest summit in the world) being climbed (by FRENCH) The views on several 8000 summits with their gletchers, the 5000m frozen lake, the sun rises and sun sets on such landscapes were all AWESOME! The trek itself is normal walk, altitude is then the main challenge (up to 5400). Actually if you are interested in this tour, you should hurry up as they are destroying it by extending the “road”. We finished with 7 other trekkers drinking too much bier and eating too much Yack πŸ˜‰
People over there are nice in general, food is good (but take care of the food in a city where electricity is shut down 10h/day ^^).
At the end if our trip we spent some days with Lola and Julien we have met in Vietnam and Cambogia so all in all we spent lot of time with nice people and this was cool.
To conlude, I can say that for the first time of our trip, we found a place where we would love to stay 3 more weeks to enjoy, for example, another trekking. So for sure, we will go back there. I should add that all our health issues have disappeared during the trek… GREAT!
Kiss to all, hope you are doing fine!


Maintenant que nous venons just d atterir au Chilie, il est temps pour moi de partager mes sentiments sur le Nepal.
On a fait quelques visites la bas dont une journee a Bhaktapur (2h de Kathandou) qui vaut vraiment le coup.
Mais le plus important a ete nos 15 jours de trek autour des Annapurnas. C etait le premier gros objectif de notre tour du monde et il a tenu toutes ses promesses. L Annapurna 1 est le 10eme sommet le plus haut au monde et le 1er 8000 jamais grimpe (par des francais en plus). Les vues sur plusieurs 8000, les glaciers se jetant dans les lacs geles et les leves/couches de soleil sur de tels paysages ont ete des moments magiques. mais depechez vous si vous voulez faire ce tour car la construction d une route est en train de detruire son charme. On a fini avec 7 autres trekkers a boire trop de biere et manger trop de steaks de Yack sur la derniere semaine ;-).
Les nepalais sont plutot sympas, la nourriture est bonne (enfin se mefiez de la nourriture dans un pays ou l electricite est coupe &Γ h/jour…).
A la fin de notre sejour nous avons passe quelques jours avec Lola et Julien que nous avons deja rencontre au Vietnam et au Cambodge donc au final on a passe pas mal de temps avec des gens sympas et c etait cool.
Pour conclure, je peux simplement vous dire aue pour la 1ere fois de notre voyage, on a trouve un endroit ou nous aurions vraiment aime rester 3 semaines de plus, pour un autre trek par exemple! Donc pour sur, on y retournera! Je rajouterai que tous nos pepins physiques on disparus pendant le trek et ca, c est estra!
Bisous a tous, j espere que vous allez bien!

Chouk summary: Cambodia/Cambodge

I take now the time to summarize some personal feelings about Cambodia. First of all, I cannot speak about Cambodia without suffering from my stomach. During 1 month, I suffered really a lot about it, without exactly knowing the main reason. So on the opposite to Vietnam, you have to be extremely careful in Cambodia about food and water.
In Cambodia, we enjoyed see shore (nice but nothing crazy), Phnom Penh (nice city, much nicer than Hanoi), Angkor (awesome if you like such environment, beautiful for others like me, was anyway great to meet Lola, Julien and Renaud there) and the Jungle. I will only speak about the last one as it was for me the big highlight.
If you want to enjoy Cambodia Jungle, you have to hurry as they are destroying everything. And the only way to dive in the Jungle is to use the official Ranger Facilities starting in Banlung, Ratanakiri. Guides are young, english speakers and nice. They are in team with a local guide who is AWESOME. Such local guides are mastering the Jungle like crazy. Equipement was great, rice was the best we had in Asia until now (3000 Riels/kg, twice the price of the cheapest rice ^^). The only problem was the trip Banlung Jungle… disguting! So what to say about Jungle:
1) Jungle is awesome
2) Jungle sucks when you are tall
3) Even in Jungle there are less moustiquos than in Algonquin park (Canada) in June
4) Jungle is much better when you go there with a Jungle man
5) In the Jungle, even with nice weather you are wet… mainly the feet
6) Bambou is a bit the Jungle Honey Badger

That is all for Cambodia which was a great part of our trip.


Je prends maintenant le temps de faire un petit resume de mes impressions sur le Cambodge. Deja je ne peux pas parler du Cambodge sans faire allusion aux problemes de ventres qui m ont suivi pendant quasiment 1 mois (et ont aussi touche plus legerement Nath). Conclusion, au Cambodge, contrairement au Vietnam, il faut etre extremement vigilent sur la nourriture et l eau.
Au Cambodge, on a profite de la mer (sympa sans casser 4 pattes a un canard), Phnom Penh, relativement jolie, Angkor qui plaira enormement aux amoureux de ce genre d environement et que les autres trouveront joli (comme moi ^^) mais c etait surtout cool de retrouver Lola, Julien et Renaud la bas, et la Jungle, un moment estra pour moi.
Deja pour profiter de la Jungle, il faut se rendre dans le Ratanakiri a Banlung et passer par les Rangers officiels. Ensuite, il faut vous depecher parce qu ils detruisent tout… Les guides rangers sont jeunes et sympa et sont en equipe avec un guide local qui lui est ENORME. Le mec maitrise la Jungle comme personne, pousse des grognements regulierement et ne parle que Cambodgien. On a eu droit a un super hamac mais aussi au meilleur riz (3000 Riels, 2 fois plus cher que le riz low cost). Le plus dur dans ce trek fut le voyage Banlung Jungle sur un scooter tout pourri a une vitesse dingue sur des pistes defoncees… youhou!
1) La Jungle, c est bien
2) La Jungle, quand t es grand, ca craint
3) Meme dans la Jungle il y a moins de moustiques que dans l Agonquin parc, Canada, en Juin
4) La Jungle, c est mieux quand t es avec un homme de la Jungle
5) Dans la Jungle, meme quand il fait beau t es mouille, surtout des pieds
6) Le bambou, c est un peu le Honey Badger de la Jungle.

Finalement, le Cambodge a ete un bon moment de notre voyage que je recommanderai, et pas uniquement pour Angkor.

Chouk Summary: Vietnam

So here we are. We have been through our 1rst destination from Sapa to Mekong Delta in Vietnam. What to say?
First of all the overall behavior of vietnamese gives me a kind a mixed-fealing. Sometimes not taking care at all about us (that is usually fine but when you try to buy some fruits and feel like a ghost, it is really strange), other time laughing at us up to despising us (indeed I am glad I could not understand what they were saying). On the other side, and mainly in Mekong Delta, we were even feeling bad asking the price because never they tried to cheat us (if they did, we did not realize). A good example is the awesome guy fixing Nathalie’s wheel in 30min, changing 5 spokes and asking 1$ for his great job while we would have been ready to easily pay 5$! So all in all, do not expect honest welcome smiles here except in Mekong Delta… many people smiling, shaking his hand and saying hello… sweet! Sapa was also a good surprise. The worst places were Hanoi and Cat Ba.
Concerning transportation, road are just ok but the biggest problem concern the drivers who are just crazy. Our biggest fear was the last day… 30km with shitty moto-taxi from Chau Doc to the Cambodgian border, without helmet (for us, the drivers had one) on an half destroyed road, driving 70km/h… a nightmare! Drivers are klaxonning every 10s in average and very few rules a respected in general. Driving Scooter in city is therefore dangerous but really excting ^^. Buses are ok (Open Tour for confort, local buses for local experiences), night buses fine but it seems night trains are a bit better.
Food in general is good. As far as I remember we did not respect any specific rules, just no tap water and a bit of Schnaps in the evening (thanks Nathalie’ dad and Herwig for it ^^) and we have never been ill (we took ice, ate in every kind of places…). The biggest problem actually here concerns the quantity. After few days I was always feeling hungry all the time and then I realised a “standard” vietnamese meal is an half Clement meal. The food budget increased but I was feeling better. Noodles and rice can be really really good depending on the places. Sea food is ok, happy water is excellent (local rice schnaps).
Accomodations were nothing to complain about for a very good price in general (from 5$ to 18$ with breakfast). They do money on the tour they sell or food, not really on the night itself.
To finish, lets speak about landscapes. The mountains around Sapa are nice, but nothing special. Dalat is nice for the temperature and the mix between jungle and needle trees but honestly, nothing crazy. Hue, Hoi An are nice sea cities, mainly Hoi An which is worth few days to enjoy the city and the sea. Saigon and Hanoi… same sh*it. So now remains CatBa, which was nice with the sea and the sugar loaf (do not know if it is the correct translation… the big rocks popping out from the ground/sea) and Ninh Binh with the sugar loafs again and the rice plantations on the horizon. The best part was definitely Mekong Delta because the bike trip was awesome and the environment itself is nice (Apocalypse Now style).
All in all, we had 3 great weeks (so are holidays) but I have no good reason to go back to Vietnam. Nothing was spectacular and my reference in term of spectacular is still PERU!
Big Kiss to all

Chouk Summary: Night bus in Vietnam

Vietnam is a rather large country with poor roads. Still night bus is a good way to travel for a good price without loosing to much time. Here are some remarks:
* the bus has 2 layers of 3*6 beds + back beds. Close to 40 places… with 50 people.
* several Vietnamese will sleep between the rows… but not really disturbing.
* shoes are removed before going in.
* beds are big enough, even for me! This is really cool.
* some of the bus have toilets, some do not have…
* this is no problem as the bus stops every 15min… with people going in/out
* bus driver is, by default, klaxon addict => hard life
* some bus drivers are also local music addict => this is hell
* local people are not fans of night bus => at least 2 vomits/trip
* fortunately air flow is excellent => no smell

Up to you then to go for night bus or night train πŸ˜‰
